AJT version 1.7 released

The new version is available for download with documentation.

We are happy to announce the first public release of the AJT toolkit with utility classes for Java. This mainly covers classes that should've been added to the offical API ages ago, but are still not available. While many of these classes may seem trivial at first sight, they do significantly reduce the amount of plumbing you have to write in your Java programs. Download it here.

Currently the library offers the following classes:
- Utilities to export graphics to png, jpg, gif, eps and pdf.
- ExtensionFileFilter
- LineIterator to iterate over all lines in a file or other inputstream.
- Pair, a simple pair of arbitrary objects.
- TimeInterval, to measure and format a time interval nicely
- Several classes to reduce plumbing when implementing GUIs
- Some bioinformatics tools